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Referanser for innholdet i Basiskartlegging rus og vold


Guy, L. S., Douglas, K. S., & Hart, S. D. (2015). Risk assessment and communication. In B. L. Cutler & P. A. Zapf (Eds.), APA handbook of forensic psychology, Vol. 1. Individual and situational influences in criminal and civil contexts (pp. 35–86). American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/14461-003

Helsedirektoratet (2018). Utredning av risiko for vold ved alvorlig psykisk lidelse – bruk av strukturerte kliniske verktøy [nettdokument]. Oslo: Helsedirektoratet (sist faglig oppdatert 25. april 2018, lest 22. juni 2021). Tilgjengelig fra https://www.helsedirektoratet.no/faglige-rad/voldsrisikoutredning-ved-alvorlig-psykisk-lidelse

Watt, K. A., Storey, J. E., & Hart, S. D. (2018). Violence risk identification, assessment, and management practices in inpatient psychiatry. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 5(3), 155-172. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/tam0000099

Watt, Hart, Hoff & Rypdal. (2020) Voldsrisiko Triage (VRT). Norsk oversettelse. Regionalt kompetansesenter for sikkerhets-, fengsels- og rettspsykiatri, Helse Bergen HF


«Sammenheng rusmidler og vold» og «Ulike rusmidlers innvirkning på vold» 

Albrecht, B., et al. (2014). "Benzodiazepine use and aggressive behaviour: A systematic review." Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 48(12): 1096-1114

Bogstrand, S. T., et al. (2011). "Prevalence of alcohol and other substances of abuse among injured patients in a Norwegian emergency department." Drug Alcohol Depend 117(2-3): 132-138

Boles, S. M. and K. Miotto (2003). "Substance abuse and violence: A review of the literature." Aggression and Violent Behavior 8(2): 155-174

Dellazizzo, L., et al. (2019). "Cannabis use and violence in patients with severe mental illnesses: A meta-analytical investigation." Psychiatry Research 274: 42-48

Duke, A. A., et al. (2018). "Alcohol, drugs, and violence: a meta-meta-analysis." Psychology of violence 8(2): 238-249

Elbogen, E. B. and S. C. Johnson (2009). "The Intricate Link Between Violence and Mental Disorder: Results From the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions." Archives of General Psychiatry 66(2): 152-161

Fazel, S., et al. (2009). "Schizophrenia, Substance Abuse, and Violent Crime." JAMA 301(19): 2016-2023

Fernández-Montalvo, J., et al. (2012). "Violent behaviors in drug addiction: differential profiles of drug-addicted patients with and without violence problems." J Interpers Violence 27(1): 142-157

Foran, H. M. and K. D. O'Leary (2008). "Alcohol and intimate partner violence: a meta-analytic review." Clin Psychol Rev 28(7): 1222-1234.
Hoaken, P. N. S. and S. H. Stewart (2003). "Drugs of abuse and the elicitation of human aggressive behavior." Addictive Behaviors 28(9): 1533-1554

Holman, P. O. S., et al. (2020). «Rus- og voldsstatistikk 2010-2019. Funn i blodprøver tatt i forbindelse med politietterforskning av vold i perioden 2010-2019». Oslo universitetssykehus, Avdeling for rettsmedisinske fag. https://oslo-universitetssykehus.no/fag-og-forskning/nasjonale-og-regionale-tjenester/rettsmedisinske-fag/alkohol-og-rusmidler

Kuypers, K., et al. (2020). "Intoxicated aggression: Do alcohol and stimulants cause dose-related aggression? A review." Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 30: 114-147

Moustafa, A. A., et al. (2021). "The relationship between childhood trauma, early-life stress, and alcohol and drug use, abuse, and addiction: An integrative review." Current Psychology 40(2): 579-584

Pope Jr, H. G., et al. (2021). "Review Article: Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids, Violence, and Crime: Two Cases and Literature Review." The American Journal on Addictions n/a(n/a)

Rossow, I. M. (2018). "Alkohol og Vold." from https://www.fhi.no/nettpub/alkoholinorge/konsekvenser-av-alkoholbruk/alkohol-og-vold/. FHI

Rossow, I. (2010). "Rusmidler og Vold." from http://www.forebygging.no/Artikler/2011-2008/Rusmilder-og-vold/. Statens institutt for rusmiddelforskning

Rossow, I. and E. K. Bye (2013). "The problem of alcohol-related violence: An epidemiological and public health perspective." Wiley Blackwell

Tomlinson, M. F., et al. (2016). "Recreational drug use and human aggressive behavior: A comprehensive review since 2003." Aggression and Violent Behavior 27: 9-29

Whiting, D. and S. Fazel (2020). Epidemiology and Risk Factors for Violence in People with Mental Disorders. Violence and Mental Disorders. B. Carpiniello, A. Vita and C. Mencacci. Cham, Springer International Publishing: 49-62

Whiting, D., et al. (2021). "Violence and mental disorders: a structured review of associations by individual diagnoses, risk factors, and risk assessment." The Lancet Psychiatry 8(2): 150-161

WHO (2009). "Interpersonal violence and illicit drug use." from https://www.who.int/violenceprevention/interpersonal_violence_and_illicit_drug_use.pdf

Witt, K., et al. (2013). "Risk Factors for Violence in Psychosis: Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis of 110 Studies." PLOS ONE 8(2): e55942

Zhong, S., et al. (2020). "Drug Use Disorders and Violence: Associations With Individual Drug Categories." Epidemiologic Reviews 42(1): 103-116

"Samtale om rus og vold"

J.P. Singh, S. Bjørkly & S. Fazel (Eds.). (2016). International perspectives on violence risk assessment. New York: Oxford University Press.
Helsedirektoratet (2018). Utredning av risiko for vold ved alvorlig psykisk lidelse – bruk av strukturerte kliniske verktøy [nettdokument]. Oslo: Helsedirektoratet (sist faglig oppdatert 25. april 2018, lest 22. juni 2021)
Tilgjengelig fra https://www.helsedirektoratet.no/faglige-rad/voldsrisikoutredning-ved-alvorlig-psykisk-lidelse
Hoff, H.A., Bjørkly, S., Ottesen, Ø., H., Nome, S., Nonstad, K., & Rypdal, K. (2014). HCR-20V3
Voldsrisikovurdering – Brukermanual.(Norsk oversettelse av Douglas, K.S, Hart, S.D., Webster, C.D., & Belfrage, H. (2013). HCR-20V3 Assessing Risk for Violence. Vancouver: Simon Fraser University)

"Rusens funksjon" 

Årstad, J., Nesvåg, S. & Landheim, A. (2015) Kartleggingsverktøy i rusbehandling- nyttig for bruker og behandler? Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening (2015)https://psykologtidsskriftet.no/vitenskapelig-artikkel/2015/09/kartleggingsverktoy-i-rusbehandling-nyttig-bruker-og-behandler

Pettersen, H. (2020) Bruk av rusmidler er utbredt hos personer med psykoselidelser. Sykepleien 2020;108(80910):(e-80910)

"Forventninger til voldsrisikovurdering" og "Vold som valg"

Douglas, K. S., Hart, S. D., Webster, C. D., & Belfrage, H. (2013). HCR-20V3: Voldsrisikovurdering: Brukermanual (H. A. Hoff, S. Bjørkly, Ø. H. Ottesen, S. Nome, K. Nonstad, & K. Rypdal, Eds. and Trans.). Burnaby, Canada: Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University
Hart, S. D., & Logan, C. (2011). Formulation of violence risk using evidence-based assessments: The structured professional judgment approach. I P. Sturmey & M. McMurran (red.), Forensic case formulation (pp. 83–106). Chichester, England: Wiley-Blackwell
Guy, L., Douglas, K. S., & Hart, S.D (2015). Risk assessment and communication. I B. L. Cutler and P. A. Zapf (red), APA Handbook of Forensic Psychology: Vol. 1. Individual and Situational Influences in Criminal and Civil Contexts (side 57-62). The American Psychological Association


tirsdag 29. juni 2021
torsdag 1. juli 2021